
This exciting post highlights a recent solar panel installation by Go Greener Energy in the WS12 postcode area of the UK. A local resident is now positioned to enjoy the benefits of clean, renewable energy thanks to a custom-designed 6kW system.

Go Greener Energy: Powering Homes and the Future

Go Greener Energy, a leading solar panel installation company, is committed to helping homeowners across the UK reduce their carbon footprint and save money on their energy bills. Our expertise was recently on display in WS12, where we installed a powerful solar panel system for a happy customer.

Here’s a breakdown of this impressive WS12 installation:

  • 6kW Sigenergy Inverter: This inverter efficiently converts the sun’s energy into usable electricity for your home.
  • 13kWh Battery Storage: Store excess solar energy during the day to power your home at night or during peak hours.
  • 12 x 445w Aiko Panels: These high-quality panels capture the sun’s rays and generate clean electricity.
  • Free 24/7 Monitoring: Keep an eye on your system’s performance and energy production anytime, anywhere.
  • Built-in AI System: Maximize your energy savings with an intelligent system that optimizes your power usage.

This impressive system is expected to produce over 4600 kWh of clean electricity per year, translating to a potential saving of £1,288.00 on electricity bills! And that’s not all – the system is designed to charge the batteries during low-rate night tariffs, maximizing your cost savings.

The Advantages of Going Solar with Go Greener Energy

The WS12 resident isn’t the only one who can benefit from solar power. Here are some reasons to consider solar for your home:

  • Reduced Carbon Footprint: Solar panels generate clean electricity, helping to combat climate change.
  • Cost Savings: Solar power can significantly lower your energy bills and provide a return on investment (ROI) of 12% in the first year, as seen in this example.
  • Increased Property Value: Homes with solar panels often attract higher valuations.
  • Energy Independence: Generate your own electricity and reduce reliance on the grid.
  • Energy Flexibility: Use, store, or even sell excess solar energy back to the grid!

Ready to Join the Solar Revolution in WS12?

If you’re a resident of the WS12 area and interested in exploring the possibility of solar power for your home, then Go Greener Energy is a great place to start. We offer free consultations and can tailor a solar panel system to your specific needs and budget.

Let’s all work towards a greener future!

Additional Information:

We offer free, no-obligation quotes to see what your roof space could produce for you.

Go green and save money! Contact Go Greener Energy today!